Sunday 6 November 2011

So here we are! Almost at the end of the M.Teach...well at least the first part (150 points done, 50 to go Haha)
ICT! Wowee! 
At the start of this subject and this course, I thought that I was pretty good with ICT and I knew what it's capabilities are and how they can be implemented in the classroom - HOW WRONG WAS I! I mean, I still think I have pretty good skills in using the technology but I have been amazed with how many different tools there are that can improve my teaching, and my students learning. I think this has been highlighted through me sitting watching all the AMAZING presentations we have had in class, with all these amazing ICT tools that I think will only add to the tool kit I have developed through the Year and my JOURNEY (Yes I think it is time to use the J word!)
I think however the main thing I have learnt through this semester is that ICT isn't going to nor should it replace all other teaching and learning, but it can act as an assistive tool to enhance student learning. I guess if I was looking to relate it to a theory, you can't go past Vygotsky. Vygotsky spoke of the notion that knowledge is built through one's physical and social surroundings. He also spoke of the More Knowledgeable Other - in the form of a peer or a teacher. But  I guess you could say that when ICT is used properly and effectively in a classroom setting it almost acts as the MKO, allowing the student to construct knowledge and move through the Zone of Proximal Development.
I do think it is important however to not let students rely on ICT in the classroom, nor should Teachers rely on ICT as their only engaging teaching tool. 
ICT is here to stay, and if we learn how to use it to our advantage (whether it is engagement, instruction or just logistical convenience) then you can't go to far wrong!  

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